Star Wings wünscht ein frohes Fest und allzeit gute Landungen im Jahr 2024

SMS Risk report Form

You have the ability to report a Risk (occurrence/hazard/non-compliance) with this report form. If you enter your name, you will receive a feedback.
If you report anonymously, do not enter your name.

We do not save your ip-adress, location or other technical information. The form will be submitted to the safety manager of Star Wings to handle this risk accordingly.


For technical questions contact the site administrator.

Thank you

Please fully describe the RISK (German or English):
Include your suggestion on how to prevent similar occurrences
In your opinion, what is your likelihood of such a risk, event or similar happening again?
(Enter a number: 1= extremely improbable to 5= frequent)
What do you consider could be the worst possible consequence (severity) if this event did happen or happened again?
(Enter a number: 1= negligible to 5= catastrophic)


Wohin soll Ihre nächste Reise gehen?

Mit * gekennzeichnete Felder sind Pflichtfelder und müssen vor dem Übermitteln ausgefüllt werden.